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Mensagens - bypass1112

Citação de: Pinguimbozo online Dezembro 19, 2016, 18:35:38 PM

Hello. I will upload the tool as soon as possible.

Thank you very much  :angel:
Citação de: denim online Dezembro 19, 2016, 17:35:14 PM
Ah, it is good to hear that.

He is a good friend of mine.

Really?? I was very surprised when you know him.
Yes, i know him. He is very well known in the community translation game Vietnam
I want translate game to Vietnamese.
pinguimbozo is this him?;u=54
Hello everyone, I want translate Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town to my language. I searching here a tool, but link die:

Everyone Can help me  :cuteeyes: .